Coquille River RV Park Rules & Regulations
PAYMENT: We accept Visa, MC, Amex & Discover. We accept personal checks drawn on U.S. banks & cash. We are open year-round with Electric, Water & WIFI ONLY, at this time. RV age limit is 2005 or newer.
RENT: For two adults - nightly, weekly, and monthly rentals 100% of the rental fee is due at reservation.
CANCELLATION: Cancellations are fully refundable if canceled AT LEAST 14 days prior to the rental date. Monthly rentals require 30-day prior notice. A $20 transaction fee will be withheld from ALL cancellations.
PARKING: Renter agrees to park in the designated RV Site. Parking is limited to 2 vehicles per site. Please park additional vehicles or boat trailers in the Extra Parking Space listed on the park map (extra parking fees apply). All vehicles/boats/RVs must be listed on the rental agreement. Parking on CRRV roads or outside your assigned RV Site is not allowed.
CRRV RULES AND FEE SCHEDULE: A separate document, “CRRV Policy and Fee Schedule”, details fees and rules and is included by reference as if it was printed and contained in these pages.
ELECTRIC: Monthly sites will pay an additional fee for electric usage. The fee will be $0.10 per kilowatt and will be billed monthly. Electric rate per kWh is subject to change if Power Company increases rates. Owner does not guarantee that electrical service shall be continuous. Renter shall not use CRRV outlets or power to operate power tools, battery chargers, or any equipment or machinery, etc. unless written permission has been provided from the Owner. With prior written permission, fishermen may use an extra refrigerator or freezer if they are small energy-efficient models.
WATER USE: PLEASE, do not wash your vehicles or boat here in the Park!
QUIET HOURS: 10:00 pm.to 7:00 am. Please be respectful. Limit driving of vehicles. The use of generators is not permitted during these hours. Generator use during the day is limited to extra quiet generators that do not disturb the other guests.
PETS: Be prepared to show proof of registration and vaccination for all pets. Pets must be kept on a 6' leash while walking in campground or in a contained area at all times. Please do not leave your pet unattended at your campsite or tethered for extended periods of time unattended. Pet owners shall pick up and properly dispose of pet’s waste. Barking or aggressive pets will not be tolerated whether inside or outside your unit. If this becomes an issue it can result in termination of the Rental Agreement and no refund of any payments will be issued.
ADDITIONAL STRUCTURES: Any additional structures, canopies, or tarps will not be allowed. Only small deck steps to campers or a small storage unit will be allowed. You must consult with CRRV prior to adding anything additional to your rental site. All sites must be kept neat and tidy. CRRV will be responsible for weekly lawn maintenance, which will typically be done on Friday or Monday, dependent on weather. It is the renter’s responsibility to have all items removed from the lawn.
GOLF CARTS/ATV’S: ATV’s and Golf Carts are not allowed to operate on CRRV property.
CAMPFIRES: Are to be in designated fire rings only! Please be aware of county burn bans. Make sure to extinguish all fires before going to sleep or leaving the campsite. Firewood may be purchased thru CRRV or you may bring your own. Cutting down trees is absolutely not allowed.
TRASH: Dispose of trash in the trash dumpster. Please separate recyclables into the proper bins.
FISHING: No gutting, bleeding or cleaning of freshly caught fish in the park. Filleting of fish is OK after they have been cleaned outside the park. DO NOT dispose of any fish or shellfish in our dumpster. We ALL thank you…!
SMOKING: Is not allowed inside or within 20 feet of ANY CRRV facility. Maintain a minimum of 10 feet from any neighboring boundary line when smoking outside. No smoking within 20’ of any neighboring trailer window. Properly dispose of cigarette ash and butts. Please be considerate of non-smoking campers.
RELEASE OF LIABILITY: The Owners shall not be liable for damage to renter’s property of any type, for any reason or cause whatsoever. Renter agrees to indemnify and save and hold harmless the Owners and CRRV from any loss, liability, damage or cost owners may incur due to occupancy of the property. Renter is responsible for any damage done to CRRV property. Renter agrees to pay all costs related to fixing any damages. Any disputes arising under this Agreement shall be mediated subject to the laws of the state of Oregon.
WEATHER & WINTER CONDITIONS: There will be no refunds due to inclement weather or power outages.
SUBLET: Renter may not sublet site or reassign this rental agreement.
USE: Rental shall be used so as to comply with state, county, and municipal laws and ordinances. Renter shall not use rental or permit it to be used for any disorderly or unlawful purpose or in any manner so as to interfere with other resident’s quiet enjoyment of their residence. Any misuse described above shall result in termination of the Rental Agreement and no refund of any payments will be issued.
INDEMNIFICATION: Renter releases the Owners from liability for and agrees to indemnify the Owners against losses, incurred by the Owners as a result of (a) Renter’s failure to fulfill any condition of this agreement; (b) any damage or injury happening in or about rental or premises to renter’s invitees or licensees or such person’s property; (c) Renter’s failure to comply with any requirements imposed by any governmental authority; and (d) any judgment, lien, or other encumbrance filed against renter as a result of renter’s action.
ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This agreement and any attached addendum constitute the entire agreement between the parties and no oral statements shall be binding. It is the intention of the parties herein that if any of this rental agreement is invalid, for any reason, such invalidity shall not void the remainder of the rental agreement.
INSURANCE: The renter agrees to carry their own comprehensive & liability insurance and vehicle registration on their camper during the term of this agreement. The Renter is encouraged to purchase travel insurance.
NO FIREARMS, FIREWORKS, or OTHER INCENDIARY DEVICES SHALL BE USED ON CRRV PROPERTY: Renters violating this will be evicted and no refunds will be given.
Thank you for observing these rules! We welcome all suggestions and if there is something we can do to make your visit more comfortable, please let us know. We appreciate your choosing Coquille River RV and wish you a very pleasant stay!
Amanda, Morgan & Staff